What you will find in this book
1 Counting the people
2 The Victorian censuses 1841-1901
3 The 1911 census
4 Why can’t I find my ancestors?
5 The census online
6 Online search techniques
7 Free census indexes online
8 Ancestry
9 Findmypast
10 TheGenealogist, RootsUK & UK Census Online
11 Origins
12 Genes Reunited & 1901censusonline
13 MyHeritage
14 ScotlandsPeople
15 Ireland
16 The Censuses on CD-ROM and DVD
17 Using the census on microfilm
18 Citing census records
19 Census documentation
Appendix A: Comparison of data services
Appendix B: List of UK census dates
Reading and websites
plus: Case studies throughout
This page was last revised by Peter Christian, July 16 2014.
Please report any errors or problems to census@spub.co.uk.
All material on these pages © 2008 Peter Christian.